Offers from members

Offer from Sexological Bodwork at the IISB (Courses on Sexological Bodywork)

Here you can find the courses offered by the IISB -> Link:

Training Pelvis-Work Practitioner IISB®

Information about the training you can find here…

Offers from (Courses on Sexological Bodywork)

Here you find the course offer -> Link:

Evening classes Learn Ecstasy

Offers from Jacqueline Stamm

Offers from Pia Hofer

Touch and sexuality | Bern | Bodyessence:

Offers from Christian Schelbert

Sexological Bodywork offers in the Bern area: Infos hier

Angebote von Simon Heller

Online and Offline Sexological Bodywork offers

Embodiment Group:

For prospective and certified Sexological Bodyworkers*. The next opportunity to complete tasks, meet fellow travellers and learn from and with each other. Further information on the IISB homepage  Link: