Membership fees – effective from 01.01.2020

Dues for members with practice within Switzerland

Annual fee for active members: CHF 150.- per year
Annual fee for supporting or passive members: CHF 50.- per year

The contributions are valid per calendar year

Dues for members with practice outside Switzerland

Annual fee for active members: € 100.00
Annual fee for supporting or passive members: € 40.00

Patron contributions and donations that are used for the interests of the association are always welcome.

The contributions are valid per calendar year.

Pro rata calculation for entry during the year

If active members join during the year, a pro rata contribution is charged for the current year

Category Since 1.4 Since 1.7 Since 1.10
Active Member CH CHF 120.00 CHF 80.00 CHF 40.00
Active Member Europe  € 75.00  € 50.00  € 25.00

In case of withdrawal there is no right to a refund.

Bank Account

Raiffeisenbank Sarganserland
Oberdorfstrasse 11
8887 Mels / Schweiz

Eurp. Assoc. of Sexological Bodyworkers
c/o Nicole Jung
Seestraße 149
CH-8712 Stäfa

IBAN: CH38 8080 8003 2812 2414 3
Konto-Nr.: 70-1012-8,
Clearing Nr.: (BCN): 81281