Further informations and documents


DownloadsPresentation template for "What is Sexological Bodywork In Powerpoint format in German for download.This information is also suitable for your own presentations and lectures. Please make sure that the contents are not changed, we in the board have thought a...

Newsletter Archiv

Newsletter Archive Newsletter No. 2 – August 2018 Liebe*r Mensch Als Erstes gleich in die Agenda schreiben: Wir laden dich ein zu einem informellen Treffen der Mitglieder - es soll ein Raum werden zum geselligen Zusammensein und visionären Austausch: Mittwoch...

What is Sexological Bodywork (manually translated)

What is Sexological Bodywork? Sexological Bodywork is a method to accompany people in making new experiences with their bodies, sensations and sexuality. In comparison with traditional sex coaching, Sexological Bodywork may also include full body or genital massage....